Tutorial: How to write a chapter using markdown

This document demonstrates which formats and text styling we provide as well as best practices, how-to’s, dos and don’ts and more.


All 6 headings are available, but you should only use Heading 1 for the chapter title, and use Heading 2, Heading 3, … for section, subsections, … .

  • Example:

    # Heading 1 for Chapter title
    ## Heading 2 for Section
    ### Heading 3 for Subsection
    #### Heading 4 for Subsubsection
    ##### Heading 5
    ###### Heading 6

    It should render like this:

    markdown sections


You can use bolds, italics and a mix of them. To add them select your text then click one of these buttons (Bolds, italics)

  • Example:

    ***Mixes (bold and italic)***

    It should render like this:




    Mixes (bold and italic)


Nest lists as much you like. NOTE: numbered lists are not supported yet but will be converted to bulleted lists. To add a deeper list add a tab at the start of the line.

  • Unordered example:

    * Item 1
    * Item 2
      * Item 2a
      * Item 2b

    It should render like this:

    • Item 1

    • Item 2

      • Item 2a

      • Item 2b

  • Ordered example:

    1. Item 1
    1. Item 2
    1. Item 3
       1. Item 3a
       1. Item 3b

    It should render like this:

    1. Item 1

    2. Item 2

    3. Item 3

      1. Item 3a

      2. Item 3b


Tables are also supported. 1st row will be bolded, use this to explain what your data is in each column.

  • Example

    First Header | Second Header
    ------------ | -------------
    Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
    Content in the first column | Content in the second column
    Content in the first column | Content in the second column

    It should render like this:

First Header Second Header
Content from cell 1 Content from cell 2
Content in the first column Content in the second column
Content in the first column Content in the second column


You can add figures as you like but each figure will take a row of each own.

  • Example

    ![demo figure 1](../_static/img/chapter_6_fhir_1.jpg)
    ![demo figure 2](../_static/img/chapter_6_fhir_2.jpg)

    It should render like this:

    demo figure 1

    demo figure 2


To include a video, you can upload it to Youtube first and then add its YouTube URL like this:

  • Example

    .. youtube:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JPjw1_iRKY

    or just the Youtube id:

    .. youtube:: 0JPjw1_iRKY

    It should render like this

Code block

You can embed a block of code in the text, with the optional syntax-highlighting as well. ``two backticks``

  • Example

    function fancyAlert(arg) {
      if(arg) {

    It should render like this:

    function fancyAlert(arg) {
      if(arg) {

    Optionally, you can enable the syntax-highlighting:

    function fancyAlert(arg) {
      if(arg) {

    It should render like this:

    function fancyAlert(arg) {
      if(arg) {

    You can replace javascript with other language types like python, bash, etc.

Inline code

You can also embed an inline code in a paragraph.

  • Example

    You can call this Python function `do_analysis` to get the result.

    It should render like this:

    You can call this Python function do_analysis to get the result.

Math formula

You can include math formula using double dollar signs.

  • Example

    $$\omega = d\phi / dt$$
    $$I = \int \rho R^{2} dV$$

    It should render like this:

    $$\omega = d\phi / dt$$

    $$I = \int \rho R^{2} dV$$


Special text box

You can add some special text box to emphasize some content.

  • Example

    .. note::
      This is a special note.
    .. warning::
      This is a warning message.
    .. hint::
      Here you can provide a hint message.

    It should render like this:


    This is a special note.


    This is a warning message.


    Here you can provide a hint message.


To add a citation in the text, you can add a link where the citation is referenced:

Data modeling is the process of determining which data elements will be stored and how they will be stored, including their relationships and constraints. The structure and definitions of a data model define what data can be stored, how values should be interpreted, and how easily data can be queried [1](#kix.unntzb98ia8x).

And then add the actual citation text in the “References” section, usually the last section of the chapter:

## References

[](#kix.unntzb98ia8x) Kahn, M. G., Batson, D., & Schilling, L. M. (2012). Data model considerations for clinical effectiveness researchers. *Medical care*, *50 Suppl*(0), S60–S67. [https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0b013e318259bff4](https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0b013e318259bff4)

The inline citation link are associted to the corresponding reference item based on the same link, e.g. #kix.unntzb98ia8x in this example. This example should renders like this:

Data modeling is the process of determining which data elements will be stored and how they will be stored, including their relationships and constraints. The structure and definitions of a data model define what data can be stored, how values should be interpreted, and how easily data can be queried 1.

And you can cite the same reference multiple times in the text, as long as you use the same link. For example, this is the first citation 2 and we can cite it again here 2.

A few extra notes

  • Try not to mix “Emphasis” or “Link” elements with other elements such as headers and titles because it might add additional unwanted new lines.

  • Try not to add too much formatting in your “Heading” elements like bolds, italics etc. Also try not to extend these to multiple lines.

  • Images will span full width of the document.

  • Direct videos are not available, but you can paste a youtube link and it will be embedded in the final result automatically.

  • Don’t use “Heading” elements for anything other than headers. Each heading will be added to the table of contents so long text should be avoided.

  • Tables inside cells are not supported.

  • All headings will automatically be added to the table of contents.


Kahn, M. G., Batson, D., & Schilling, L. M. (2012). Data model considerations for clinical effectiveness researchers. Medical care, 50 Suppl(0), S60–S67. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0b013e318259bff4

Knosp B, Craven CK, Dorr D, Campion T. Understanding enterprise data warehouses to support clinical and translational research. J Am Med Infom Assoc. Accepted for publication 2020 April 27. [Cited 2020 April 30]